Top 5 Great Photos of all time


The world always leaves history behind and the great way to secure the history is through photographs. Below are some of most powerful images of all the times that shook the world

1.Stolen Food

In 1998, yielding to the international pressure, the Sudanese government allowed good aid to be distributed to the south. British photojournalist Tom Stoddart travelled with Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) to a camp in Ajiep, where more than 100 people were dying every day. There he took the above photo of a crippled boy who had queued hours for food, only to find it robbed away from him by a fit man who strides confidently away
Greatest Photos Ever

2. The Horrified Afghan Girl

The second most famous photo is Afghan Girl, shot by National Geographic photographer Steve McCurry. Sharbat Gula was one of the students in an informal school within the refugee camp during the time of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan when she was photographed. The image brought her recognition when it was featured on the cover of the June 1985 issue of National Geographic Magazine at a time when she was approximately 12 years old. Gula was known simply as “the Afghan Girl” until she was formally identified in early 2002. The photograph has been likened to Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of the Mona Lisa and is sometimes popularly referred to as “the Afghan Mona Lisa”.
Afghan Girl

3.The Unfortunate Guy

The “tourist guy” was an Internet phenomenon that featured a fake photograph of a tourist who appeared in many manipulated pictures after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Soon after 9/11 an image showing a tourist while an airliner was about to hit the building beneath him circulated on the Internet. It was claimed that the picture came from a camera found in the debris at Ground Zero. The picture purported to be one taken mere moments before the attacks on the World Trade Center began. The picture won a best 9/11 Photoshopped picture contest.
Greatest Photos Ever

4.The Last Jew in Vinnitsa

Picture from an Einsatzgruppen soldier’s personal album, labelled on the back as “Last Jew of Vinnitsa, it shows a member of Einsatzgruppe D is just about to shoot a Jewish man kneeling before a filled mass grave in Vinnitsa, Ukraine, in 1941. All 28,000 Jews from Vinnitsa and its surrounding areas were massacred at the time.
last Jew

5.Believe in Yourself

This picture won the Pulitzer Breaking News Photography 2007 award. Photo’s citation reads, “Awarded to Oded Balilty of The Associated Press for his powerful photograph of a lone Jewish woman defying Israeli security forces as they remove illegal settlers in the West Bank.
Greatest Photos Ever

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